Curbside Chipping

Chipping is available mid-May through mid-November, weather permitting.


Prior to requesting, please make sure your chipping pile is located at the end of your driveway and that is contains ONLY green waste materials – limbs, branches, small trees, bushes, etc.  NO trash, paper, or metal.

Please follow the link below to request chipping for your property 

Over the past ten years, TDFPD has spoken with thousands of homeowners about defensible space and wildfire prevention, and we have heard that disposing of slash, cut limbs, brush, and pine needles are the most significant impediment homeowners have to create adequate defensible space. In response, the Zephyr Crew will run our community curbside chipping program from approximately May through October of each year.

Please note the following guidelines when requesting this service:

  • Piles must be curbside and easily accessible.
  • Limbs must be no larger than six inches in diameter.
  • Please organize sticks and branches so that the large end is pointed toward the road so that it can be easily grabbed and pulled into the chipper.
  • Please note that the pile must not contain stumps, roots, garbage, nails, lumber, or dirt. Dirty pine needles and other raked debris is very damaging for chippers, so please try to keep piles clean.

We try to haul all chip and provide it to BMP contractors or for other erosion control projects. If you want the chip left on site, please let us know on your form.   Please note that wood chips are a very flammable surface fuel that can carry fire to your home. Do not place wood chips within five (5) feet of the home or in large areas within 30 feet of the home. Chips will not be left on-site if the homeowner is not present.  

Once your form has been received, you will be scheduled for curbside chipping. All efforts will be made to complete chipping within two weeks of receiving your request form, however, no guarantees can be made. We are unable to schedule individual appointments or provide advance notice. Large piles may be chipped over several visits.

Please call our office at 775.588.3591, if you have questions about curbside chipping.

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