
District Finances



Federal Funding

Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District (TDFPD)/Tahoe Douglas Bomb Squad (TDBS) was awarded a $41,733 and a $31,500 grant for the purchase of bomb suits in 2018.   An additional DOJ grant has been awarded $4,755 to be utilized for radiation detectors.  These grants were awarded by the Department of Justice and are monitored by the Office of Criminal Justice Assistance/Nevada Department of Public Safety.

TDFPD/TDBS was the recipient of a State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant in the amount of $58,532 in federal fiscal year 2017.  This grant is monitored by The Department of Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management. The funding was awarded for the Northern Nevada Bomb Technicians Task Force Operational Coordination Training/Exercise to promote interoperability while training on advanced IED's/WMD's techniques and continued advance education for a response to terrorist attacks.

TDFPD was also the recipient of a State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) grant for $72,368 as a pass-through from FEMA for the purchase of radio equipment.  The grant performance period was September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2019. The grant is monitored by The Nevada Department of Public Safety's Divison of Emergency Management.

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