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Tahoe Douglas Fire News

Promotional Announcement

Promotional Announcement

“I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky.”

Oprah Winfrey

Nathan Johnson has been preparing to become an Engineer and his hard work and dedication to that goal has paid off.  Johnson joined Tahoe-Douglas in 2010 as a Firefighter/Paramedic; in 2012 he earned his AA degree in Applied Fire Science Technology; in 2013 he was certified as a Hazardous Material Technician; and in 2014 he was selected as an Explosive Ordinance Technician for the Tahoe Douglas Bomb Squad.  Johnson is currently serving as the Negotiations Chairman for Local 2441 of the International Association of Fire Fighters.  He is certified as a Rope Technician and an instructor for Water Rescue.  Johnson plans to attend the National Fire Academy in Maryland this fall to continue his education. Congratulations to Engineer Johnson.

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